Sunday, December 22, 2013

Excel CFHistograms Dashboard

So my colleague was unimpressed with my retort to his suggestion that I figure out a way to display the output of CFHistograms in Excel.  So, I created a nice and fancy looking, consultant-style, Excel Dashboard for CFHistograms that provides a visual view of the output of this very handy tool.

Here is a screenshot of the Excel Dashboard:

I know, very "consulty" :)

In addition to the Dashboard, there is a break-out tab for every section of CFHistograms.  Here's an example of one of the break-out tabs.

I see 2 real benefits of this tool:
  1)  An easy visual view of CFHistograms for the visual "people" out there
  2)  Each graph has a specific axis which helps when interpreting the offset column.

A side benefit is that your managers will be impressed with your Excel skills if you show them this, HA!

The tool isn't perfect, there are some scale things that could occur, but it's a great start.

You can get a copy of this tool from GitHub here.  Any takers on how long it will take for me to get booted off of GitHub for posting an Excel file as a project?

To use the tool, simply follow the instructions for importing CFHistograms Output int Excel, but be sure to insert over the data that is contained in the source tab.  There are also some guidelines that will help you during import in the Dashboard tab.

Have fun with this one.